Sunday, May 12, 2013

Getting Started

In about 3 weeks or so I will be on my way to India. I will be interning at a company called Ujjivan in Bangalore, India. Ujjivan is a leading micro-finance company in India. Micro-finance, for clarification, is a way to help alleviate poverty. According to, “ Micro-finance is the practice of extending credit to even the poorest of people” ( Pioneered by the likes of Muhammad Yunus and Grameen Bank, Micro-finance is becoming a very innovative and popular way to help serve the poor. I am going to Ujjivan for 6 weeks in June and July. I will be working there Monday - Saturday. I will be both in the main office and at one of the branches. I would like to thank my aunt and uncle for housing me for the 6 weeks. I am nervous but excited for this opportunity!