Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Day 24: Field Part 2

Today I went back to the field for my client interviews. I went to three separate center meetings again. I asked the same six questions as yesterday, but in more detail and in more depth. Some questions the customers found hard to understand, so I discarded them and asked new questions. However, just like last time I got adequate information. However, the information did not have the breadth or depth I really wanted. I also had trouble translating and really understanding the clients. Again the CRS's English wasn't strong, so I didn't fully understand her interpretations. Despite all these setbacks, I still managed to build on Monday's responses. I was able to gather more information about the effect of the efficiency measures on the clients themselves  After going to six separate center meetings,  the information I need from the clients point of view is sufficient. Tomorrow I will be going to the branch and asking the cashier questions about the changes in branch operations due to the crisis. The picture below is the children of one of the clients. These children were very shy around me, but were genuinely curious about a stranger coming into their home.

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