Thursday, June 20, 2013

Day 9: CGT

Today I witnessed the last of the field processes, a CGT. CGT stands for Compulsory Group Training, and this is where the CRS teaches the women about Ujjivan's different types of loans, safe borrowing techniques, insurance, importance of ID cards, and other services. The women at this CGT were very friendly and open. They welcomed me graciously and allowed me to ask questions. I asked why they chose Ujjivan over other MFIs. There response was the it had many different types of loans, had monthly not weekly re-installments, life insurance for their husbands and low interest rates. I was also talking to the cashier today who informed me that the branch was going to expand next month and have 8 CRS's instead of 6. He is hopeful that having an extra 2 CRS's would bring the number of customers from 750 to 1250. The picture below is of the CGT meeting.

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